The Romeo of my college happened to be the best friend of the villain..Me…
Clouds, thunder, rain…everything came together. As this story is all about unexpected things…the rain also was unexpected.. Unexpectedly a weird thought of seeing my college girls getting wet and drenched unexpectedly in this unexpected rain came to my mind.. I have learnt in my lower primary classes decades ago, that water makes things wet.Yes it does dodo...my mind confirmed it... A 70mm smile came to my face... The adrenaline rushed.Rushed and rushed, not willing to settle down.
The only angel on my right shoulder , poked me and rung a bell “ ..Sinning..SINnnnn…It’s a SINnnnn…. “
But the devil on my left shoulder, whacked me and said.. “Rain… Wet..Babes….white chudidaar…yellow chudidaar….heavy rain….water …once in a life time opportunity… no tickets..Divyaa..Sandhayaa…Maria….Tracy…..”The devil on my head also said the same, so did the one on my ear, my eyes, my leg, my stomach, my chest , even the little asshole devil also made a tweaking noise..”Don’t miss it dear”....
I always respected the law of majority.. I shared my juicy thoughts with my fellow devils..my 8 friends standing right beside me.. all i could hear after that was a thunder right beside me.. in the nick of time the whole place was empty..all I could see was bags lying on the ground ..abandoned by their respective owners. Some even left their hall tickets behind. My friends have already reached the amphitheatre. I ran..Expectedly.. expecting big things..Expecting small things. Expecting medium things…..
Upon reaching the spot.. I swallowed a big gulp of air..an unexpected irony had crept in..a guy who ran with all his might to see the cuts and curves of his college chicks ends up in front of 8 macho men all wet, disappointed, with baring teeth, ready to deliver that deadly punch right on the bridge of my nose. There were no girls. Not even one. Being a part of that gang, my friends left me alone with a 5 to 10minutes nonstop abuse in the pouring rain. Heartbroken, I took refuge in the shade of the nearby tree and when the tiny mosquitoes started freaking out on me I thought I will go to my best friend’s house right beside my college and change. Knowing where he keeps his key, I reached for it and opened the door.. DAMN!!.. irony- part 2…unexpected things again-part infinity..
All I could see was my best buddy about to kiss his beautiful girly and there at that precise moment I opened the room.. Next thing I saw was a big bouquet of flower flying towards me, the flower vase followed.. Bang!! It hit its target.. and i lay on the ground..!!