Saturday, April 16, 2011

My cakewalks....

People close to me have said that when it comes to me getting a wife it would be like a cake walk.. well the time has come now..and believe me ..i have been walking on quite a few cakes for the last 6 months and till now havent struck the cherry...

Now it would be a moment of pride and shame when i say that i have left the decision to find me a wife to my parents... this came as a surprise to all my relatives, to my friends, to my other social circle.. and last but not the least my parents ....(as to them, it wasnt quite a surprise, but was kind of a 110 kv shock)...

And now that the search is happening for the last few months and me being rejected left right and center without mercy by a few good looking prospects.. i am in search of those who had raised my expectations telling about cakes and the walks on it..

This is the time when i have started being philosophical and leave things to the fate and cling on tightly to the hopes ..reading inspirational quotes and texts .. the next phase i am expecting to move into is the state of a depressed romancer ..followed by a loner...and then the psychotic woman hater.. :P

Having said that.. the little devil in me at times feel relieved in hearing the sad stories of my troubled married friends and how they wished to get their bachelor life back.. honestly deep in my mind i wish i remain a bachelor.. i wish i get married.. i wish i remain a bachelor.. i wish.. i wish...... i have no clue...:(