Sunday, July 1, 2007

Another week , another weekend....

Another week ...another weekend...

got up late...sat in front of the tv..took a nap again... woke up again...played ready...wnt out ..had lunch...came back...

now again playin music...will take a nap soon..will wake up...will sit in front of the tv ..will go for dinner...will sleep again....

this is wht i have been following all these years.. perhaps this year its these are the only things i have done on a weekend til now...

but then yeah..meeting friends is also the part of the schedule..but not every weekend...

So is this what all the bachelors out there do.. or are there any guys doing it in a much better way..or worse also..for that matter...anyways...its time for one one the weekend activities.... bye n will comeback whn i wake up....


Seema B Menon said...

Just go out, visit your friends more often... play pranks on them... wow! I luv to that... give them a surprise... things like that...

Sindhu Menon said...

hi thank u for the comment u left on my blog on the dance of Life is true yes the world id different now .....people in rythmn are truly considered insane ........but as u said lets keep dancing .someday even insanity will be noticed a followed .........realisation dawns lat but when it does the past is forgotten and the present is accepted ..............