Friday, August 3, 2007

The road must be taken..

Went home the other day.. returned yesterday..

It was another journey, same destination, same purpose n the same mindset..

No not this time...the mindset is not same...things arent the same anymore,whole new problems await me there.. Dad hospitalized,roomies travel to abroad, has not found a 3rd room mate yet, , deadlines galore at work, boring n monotonous, friends all left prettly lonley days in front.... ..Positive aspects cannot be ruled out though..the whole place just for me...unlimited net n dependencies... thats all... when counted the negatives n positives results are slightly inclined to negativity...could be because it was a pessimistic mind's count...or is it really bad day awaitin me... i dont know..but with new hopes and in search of a better life the journey continues..

it could be a treacherous path with twists n turn or a smooth straight and a safe road ahead..the only optionis to take that matter what is in store there or where it leads me.. the road must be taken..hope its peace and prosperity out there...hope i find my happiness there...anyways if not a calm passage, let the landing be smooth hopes and in anticipation...i take my first step..


Minakshi said...

Loneliness is a strange companion..
the company undesired yet it clings on like a true mate!!

Seema B Menon said...

Hey Entertainer... thanks for passing by and leaving comment again :) keep writing... take care... all the very best!