Gone are those good 'ol days when my mom wakes me up early in the morning during my vacations and forced me to go to the fishmarket right across the river with my dad to buy some fresh fish. I still remember it with a 70mm smile , me walking through the middle of the road half asleep and the other half refusing to wake up..with one hand rubbing my eyes and the other hand holding my barmuda's elastic tightly so that it will not fall off and make my french fries visible to the rest of the morning crowd who would have woken up early to get a warm sunshine and a good view of the morning spectrum.. it would be more embarrising for them to have seen it than me who would have still carried on without even knowing that one the basic necessities of the human species have just fallen down from his waist... i still cherish those moments when the big truck drivers honk arrogantly from behing my back and i look back and see that the headlight of that mighty truck milli meters away from my tiny little butt..and that half drunk ,half sleepy but fully muscular truck driver singing songs at me early in the morning from his seat and his middle finger dancing to the tune..i would give an innocent smile at that fellow...abusing him to the core in my sub conscious mind..as my conscious mind is always afraid of the muscular drivers.. then and now... :-)
This is the part of my nostalgia when i hear about the word markets...until 3 months back.. there are lot of markets..some are regular markets,some are seasonal,some are early morning markets and others late night ones..but there is one that opens on time and closes on time..functions only on weekdays just like IT industry guys.. this market makes the rich poorer,,,and the poor ...poorest..its called the Stock Market.. i was poor till 3 months back.but now i am poorer by 20k..i went short on a stock which went up nearly by 10% in 2 days..this is what my stock broker say to me everytime i ask him why i lost money... i am yet to figure out which language he is speaking................
Now you will understand why when i think about my childhood markets i am so happy...at least the only thing i bad that time was losing my early morning sleep and hearing some early morning rhymes.but i would get some good fish currey for dinner.. but now..i lost my money..i dont know who got it...how i lost it... the only similarity now and then was ...in both periods..i lost my sleep.....
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