Ever imagined what the people around the world will be doing now, right now..when i am scratching my head and writing this blog.
London-Thur 7.50 AM - haaaaa...Yawn...deep yawn... and sleep again..Early morning syndrome is visibile.Some people just managed to get up from the bed.. both eyes half open with a strong force pulling it downwards.. one hand scratching their ass and the other hand scratching their head. While some others would have already reached their destination and would be aiming at that hole in the urinal. Only a very few suceeds in hitting the target.The others just wet the wall.
Melbourne -Thur 5.45 PM - After office..hurray hurray..today is thursday..and tommorrow is friday.Its decision time here. Should i meet my girl...or should i meet my beer... The latter always wins. Smart guys always end up with a beer on the beach..with their girlies...
India -11.00 AM- Its office hours here. Majority of the population will be in front of thier office computers and files and monority in them will be working. Others will be pretending to work. Some others who are the "cut and right" type dont even pretend, they just sleep on their desk.
China - 1.35 PM-Its lunch time or post lunch time or just before lunch time for somepeople there. Whatever it is , this time their thoughts will be hovering around one thing. The food. The lunch they just had, they are having or they are about to have. For some its the PMS period (read Post Meal Syndrome and not Pre Menstural Syndrome), Heavy yawns will be highly visible in this part of the world at this point of time. Eyes drooping down syndrome can also be noticed.
Iraq-8.35AM - Home to office leaving time.They hug their loved ones and leave. In the background, you might frequently hear the sound of big blasts and guns.Never bother, its an everyday thing there.
Dubai-9.35AM - Early morning blues will be highly visible here as its the morning hours in the office.Employees getting pelted left right and center by their bosses in the nearby cubicles can be heard.The noise from the construction work will sooth your ears. Dint know eh, no crude oil is remaining there & they have realized that world cant run on palm oil.Hence tourisim.Underwater city, above water islands,sea on the atmosphere,upside down hotels,floating restraunts and flying ships will soon be visible.
Las Vegas - Wed 11.00PM- Yeah baby, casinos, babes,games,lights, beer,brandy ,bra,whisky,wines,women, Microminis and lingerie.These are common sights here and grey headed desps staring at them will be even more common. Its a paradise for aggresive playboys and a magnet for guys like me.. the humble losers. :--(
New York - Thur 2.30 AM -Snorrrr....Snorrrrrrrrr....Snorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Its not sleeping time there.. Its snorring time. The bid dady is sleeping. Cops and cocaine are on streets. Guns and girls would be silent. Near to every bed you can see some common sights. Am empty beer can, a half eaten half baked pizza slice,a panty and an underwear, a worn out condom (the number varies with the people in the bed ), a switched on television and an abandoned baseball glove.Couple of stinking socks is never a rare sight and rare smell.
hehe nice one..
thanks for visiting one of my blogs.. :)
do keep dropping by..
so where exactly r u from
Hey... I always keep thinking about this!!! You just wrote what was in my mind!!!
hehe funny..!!
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